Friday, September 19, 2008

Castles & more

I thought I should at least offer a quick update. Neuschwanstein was pretty cool, although I think it looks better from the outside than inside. We also saw a few other famous churches and palaces as well. Here are some of them:


The view from behind Neuschwanstein...including the freezing mountain lake in which we went swimming!

Wiesnkirche, a famous Baroque church--really unique and interesting

Myself, and the view of the Alpen foothills from Wiesnkirche

Another palace built by the same king as Neuschwanstein...and the only one that he finished

In other news, the weather has plummeted Chicago-style from around 25 C on average to around 12 C (or 77 F to 53 F). What happened to the nice range of temperature in between!? Anyway, I'm glad I managed to take advantage of the nice weather while it was around. It also rained for a number of days, but it seems to be drying up just in time for Oktoberfest!

Yes, the famed Oktoberfest is indeed coming up tomorrow, when the two weeks of festivities will begin. A group of the other American students and myself are all waking up early to find seats in the beer tents. Wish us luck, as we head out in Tracht.


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