Monday, November 24, 2008

Snow & Nuremburg

This past weekend it finally snowed here. The snow reminds me so much of being in Chicago, but it also just makes me really happy in general. It made for a really pretty (albeit cold) trip to Nuremburg, which I went on this weekend with the rest of my study abroad program.

Here's some pictures of the trip.

Our group of Americans standing in front of the "Hand crafts center" of Old Nuremberg--one of the ways in which the city has tried to reinvent itself as something more than just an important part of Nazi Germany.

Beautiful view overlooking the frosted medieval center of Nuremburg.

The Emperor's Castle of Nuremburg. Residence of the Holy Roman Emperor starting in the 11th century. Nuremburg's prominent imperial status in the older German Empires is what led to Hitler's use of the city as a major rallying point in his "Third Empire."

One of the buildings remaining from the Nazi Party Parade Grounds

And, me contemplating a quick dip in the river.

Tonight, I also ate Thanksgiving dinner with the rest of the Americans here, and we had a great time. Afterwards, I spent some time video chatting with my family back in California as they prepared for dinner. Meanwhile, I was packing, since I'm heading to London tomorrow for the weekend and for a second Thanksgiving feast with a recently graduated friend from Northwestern. I'm really excited, being that I've never been there before, and I hope to see as much as I can in the few short days that I will be there. Happy Thanksgiving!


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